Kolding Volleyball Club down Memory Lane

Kolding Volleyball Club has its origins back in 1986. Back then, the name was Dyrehavens Volleyball Klub, where the activities were both indoor volleyball in the winter in the hall at the then Dyrehaveskolen and beach volleyball in the summer on the courts next to the school building. Until 2015, the activities in the club were for the adult segment, where little lived an "elevator existence" between the ranks for both the women's and men's teams, while the senior mix activities often went well. From 2015, the then board took the initiative to establish itself as a youth club, and from there things went strong. In 2015, the membership was 76 members, of which 30 were young people under 25 years of age. From here we went to have 2020 members in 233, of which 127 of these were children and young people under 25 years of age.

KVK membership numbers 2013-2020
 Young people under 25 yearsAll members
YearQuantityIncreaseIncrease in%QuantityIncreaseIncrease in%
20138  66  